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Age exemption for 457 visa holders

author:time:2022-07-19 14:34:59

The government has announced the extension of the grandfathering arrangements in place for Subclass 457 visa holders who held or had applied for a subclass 457 visa as of 18 April 2017.

The initial grandfathering arrangement was set to end in March 2021. However, the government announced this extension to give Subclass 457 visa holders access to Permanent Residence even if they do not meet the age requirement.

These transitional arrangements apply to the ‘protected visa cohort’, which is defined as anyone who:

  • held a subclass 457 visa on 18 April 2017; or
  • had lodged an application for a subclass 457 visa on or before 18 April 2017 that was subsequently granted.

The visa holder does not need to still hold the same subclass 457 visa to be eligible for these concessions. They can also hold a subsequent subclass 457 visa, subclass 482 visa (TSS visa), or related bridging visa.

This change will also only be accessible for two years from 1 July 2022.